Saturday, February 13, 2010

Robbin Williams As A Diseased Person The Movie Jack?

The movie Jack? - robbin williams as a diseased person

Does anyone remember this movie? I have looked long ago, at least 10 years. He played Robbin Williams as Jack and has a disease that is growing faster than other children their age, and it seems that 40 years old primary school. It is a very funny film. Sad, but in the end.


♥James 2:19♥ said...

is saddddddd

I like the tree house
This is the coolest tree house

DarkChyl... said...

Si I have seen. I loved it. Again and again seen. There it was again and again. He also loved the song on the soundtrack. "Star" by Bryan Adams.

"What do u want to be when you grow up?"

Dasher said...

Yes, it was a good movie. It broke my heart to see.

kitty said...

I remember the film no. It makes me cry really. A nice big movie.And.

DisneyRo... said...

Jennifer Lopez is in it! I love that movie too. I have not seen for a long time, but I remember I had a tree house, or something really cool. I'm going to rent soon.

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